Thursday, May 16, 2013

Finally I believe winter is OVER in Kentucky!!

No more of this!!

The temperature has finally and consistently began to rise in my part of the country and this has been one of the longest coldest winters I can remember!  At some point I can remember going seven days without seeing the sun it was sooo depressing.  Now as many of you know cold weather does not stop me from scootering I can ride comfortably all the way down to around 15 degrees F with the right gear.  And nothing special just a wind resistant coat a flannel and one undershirt.  Add some gloves, a helmet tuck your knees behind the body of the scooter and your off!  Well I almost forgot the little black neck warmer you see me in the above picture it is perfect for not letting air get into the helmet during cold winter rides.

But in light of the warm Kentucky weather I found on clearance none the less the following little toy;

                                                          My two person Kayak  

Now don't take me as crazy but in the next few weeks I'm going to try and attach this 14.9 foot kayak to the back of my Roketa Scooter!!  I know how it would look but I don't have a truck to hall this boat and I'm close, around 5 miles or so from a river or creak so I'm thinking of attaching some wheels to the back of the boat and a small swivel mount to the back of my scooter for the front of the boat.  I'll load the paddles, life vests and food in the boat right side up of course then put my little girl behind me on the scooter and after I fully test it on several solo runs I'll be off with my daughter to kayak anytime the weather is right!  Now I know this might not work out and that's ok I can always use my wife's Honda Pilot, but since she's using it a lot I'd like to see if this is possible for any other time I have no Honda to use and the scooter is ready for the trip.

Peace to you this evening

Roketa Scooter Man

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