Tuesday, May 28, 2013

My Old Kentucky Home

In my own unique way of thinking, life really is all about choices.  You can chose to put your money in a car that goes 0 to 200 pay for the performance but use it seldom on your 60 mph commute around town.  Or you can ride around in a heavy duty 4 X 4 truck seldom pulling anything and rarely using the 4 X 4 but paying the high gas prices everyday.  Or you might if you were like me invest in a Roketa or another brand scooter and still get wherever it is you want to go while getting around 75 mpg this fill up!  Yes that is correct after my recent valve adjustment I've been getting better fuel economy I was around 69 mpg now I'm usually getting around 75 mpg!

You see if I'm going to put my hard earned dollars into something I'd rather it be a house and land!  You know something that in 10 years will go up in value and not come crashing down like the value of a car over a 10 year period.  See my scooter in the upper far left had side of the picture?  I do have a rather large family 4 kids plus two adults so we do have a SUV for times when we are all together.  I also have a Toyota echo that gets around 40 mpg I picked it up used for $2,500!  It runs great and I want to keep it running great so I keep the miles off of my cars by usually taking my scooter since I ride to work alone.  The car is great for taking kids to school or if I get ready to leave and it's poring down rain.  

We all have our own choices to make in life but at least for me I'd rather drive on the cheap, find deals on things and have more of my money to hold onto then not thinking about these "decisions".  And on the subject of buying a house it really is location, location, location!  I found this place in the perfect location!!  It's close to the schools around two miles close to stores like Kroger, and Walmart but still out in the country!  These are just all things we tried to factor in when we moved around two years ago and have absolutely no regrets!

So invest wisely if your a hard working person like myself  "hold on to what you can" and remember it's all about the decisions YOU make.

Peace to you this evening and happy scootering!

Roketa Scooter Man.  

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