Monday, May 13, 2013

Roketa Scooter Man is B-A-C-K!

Well just to start off by saying I'm back to scootering and LOVE it!  So what happened to my biking well I have a large family aka lots of kids depending on me arriving to work and back! lol As I have stated on my other blog even though I had my bike out fitted with duel headlights and a 5 LED flashing rear tail light I still managed to get hit by a car!  Now the fact that I work second shift and have to drive home at 11:30 PM dose not help my chances of survival.  Now I'm ok it was a minor hit but it was enough that after my trip to the emergency room my wife said NO MORE BICYCLING to work.  Knowing a happy wife = a happy life I decided to comply with her wishes.

I began riding my Roketa Scooter again and for awhile it was fine then as the weather in northern KY began to get colder my ride began to become harder and harder to start but please note this had never happened before and I drove in 15 degree weather!!  I have only one hour for lunch so being home to help the kids out with homework along with the wife is a big deal to me.  Sitting in a parking lot cranking away endlessly until I believe the battery is going to die but just then the engine hits and is soon shooting me up the road was become less practical every night I had to endure this.  So finally I parked the scooter back in the garage and let it sit while I drove my car yes I became a "cager" for a while.  Then I tried a MOPED!

Yes I did my father had this old 1986 2 stroke moped in his garage that had not started in years.  It was a 50cc moped and I worked on it one day and got it running like a champ!  I drove it to my house worked on it some more and one day drove it to work.  The power was GONE I mean a 50cc is not a work horse by any means.  Then the speed on the two gear transmission topped out at a whopping 35 mph so I was back to having traffic try and run me over which is always a fun time........So after this first and only trip to work on a 50cc moped I decided to take my scooter to a local garage and find out what was causing the weird cold starting issue.  Now keep in mind once the scooter started it was fine would run great and restart as many times as I needed it to as long as I did not let the engine get cold.

The mechanic first tried looking at the carburetor as he was convinced it was an issue of the engine just not getting any gas.  Then he explained that maybe it was the electronic choke not engaging and maybe replacing this would work.  I decided to Google the topic Roketa Scooter not starting while cold.  Suddenly pages and pages starting appearing of others having the same issue, and guess what the fix is!!!!  The valves needed to be adjusted!!!  That was it!!!  I printed off the instructions gave them to the mechanic and he called me the next day to report that he opened up both values each had become almost closed as the engine had broken in from being new.  He opened them back up to .004 on the intake and .005 on the exhaust and said it is now running great hot or cold!!

So after a five minuet valve adjustment on both the intake and exhaust my Roketa scooter is running BETTER than when it was brand new!  I'm not kidding it runs better then the day I unpacked it and rode it to around 2,000 miles.  Now  it is running fine safe in traffic and ready to save me a ton of money in gas!!  So I will be slowly adding more posts to this blog again soon.  Let me know in the comments section what topics you would want me to cover and I will gravitate toward those topics.

Peace to you and Happy Scootering!!

Roketa Scooter Man! May 13th, 2013

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